10 ideas to inspire your blog writing

DeanM on June 3, 2020 at 11:33 am


1. Refine your keyword research
To generate ideas you can use the tools made available by Google, such as Google Suggest and Google related searches, in addition to the keyword planner. Related research may suggest topics for future discussion. Google Keyword Planner allows you to find a lot of information on the keywords we insert, including suggestions, long-tail keywords and more. In this way, it will be possible to track users’ search trends and set their content based on these.

2. Use Reddit and Social Media
Reddit is divided into many channels or Sub-reddits and there are thousands of them. Just search the main page to start finding something interesting. Similarly, search on Facebook, Twitter and other minor social media. Tools like BuzzSumo, in this case, are a real godsend. Yahoo Answers is another source, along with blogs and industry forums.

3. Take advantage of user comments
Users who read your posts have opinions about it. The ideas expressed in the articles can be used as inspiration to writing a new article. Collecting the most interesting comments and building a blog post around that will ensure a quick-win for you in terms of ideas, but also show your audience that you’re engaging with them.
Consulting the places on the web where possible visitors to the company blog find themselves can be very useful for discovering hot topics, central themes, and current trends. Knowing what the target users are asking themselves is the key to writing content that fits perfectly because they contain exactly the answer they are looking for. Thematic groups on Facebook, the forums on sites in the sector of relevance should not be overlooked.

4. Organise everything with the Mind Map
Mind maps are decisive for organising the work done with keyword research. How do they work? Put the fundamental theme of the blog at the centre of the graph. Then, based on the results obtained from the searches, enter more specific categories and themes. Soon, you’ll have a wonderland of ideas that stem from just one central idea or search. Use simple and effective tools like Freemind, Mindmup and Coogle. I always recommend the latter solution, free and integrated with Google Drive. Finding ideas for a blog means organising the topic.

5. Tell us how you live
Tell us what happens every day around you. Put concrete experiences, successes and losses on digital paper. Thinking about a simple starting point for a detached or non-contextualised article can be a problem. You are your blog and putting your experience in the foreground is an obligation. Make it personal and add your own experiences to the mix – it’s all about being relatable.

6. Answer private questions
Readers often ask questions privately, on Messenger or via email. What do you do? I propose this: Why not answer the question through a blog post; obviously without mentioning the person who left the question, for obvious privacy issues. But in this way you’ve developed two positive aspects to blog posting: on the one hand, you identified a new title for your blog; on the other, you gained the trust of a reader.

7 – Analyse your searches
By analysing the search terms of readers who have landed on your blog, you can not only find out what are the most searched topics and therefore to deepen or re-propose in a new perspective, but you can also find ideas for new topics that you have not yet covered and that users expect to find on your blog. This will also help you shape your digital marketing campaign in the right direction.

8. Use Buzzsumo
This is a very simple and free web marketing tool to use to find new ideas that give interesting results: just type in the search keywords on the topic you want to write on and the program will return you the most shared articles on social networks related to the topic. There are many more free and paid-for online marketing tools such as Buzzsumo.
Reading them can inspire you to write something on the same theme. In the free version, Buzzsumo returns only 10 results for each word entered, but various searches may be more than enough to find a new idea to write your next content on the blog.

9. Be inspired by the pictures
Find inspiration in images – Sometimes words say more than a thousand images, but the opposite is also true. The widespread use of image-focused social networks has become an extraordinary source of inspiration.
Image-based social networks offer two very useful tools for finding interesting images that can stimulate imagination and creativity: Instagram and Pinterest. Use the internal search engines of the two applications to find new topics to write about.
A picture is worth a thousand words.

10. Do an interview
An excellent idea for new content is to do an interview, perhaps with an expert in your sector, with a colleague or to someone who can offer interesting feedback on a certain topic.
Interviews are also a very useful way, not only to have new content but also to increase our traffic and our visibility since the interview will almost certainly be shared again by the person who was interviewed.

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